Friday, June 12, 2009

Money! I need it!

After a long, long hiatus, I returned back to work today. I'm a substitute teacher, so its not like I was missed, but I need to go back to work because I desperately need cash. I'm moving across the U.S. in a month and I need money! I'm already feeling the crunch since I found an apartment and had to send in my security deposit. And by August 1st, I'm going to need the first month's rent and I am quite sure my financial aid will not disperse into my account by then. Not to mention I need to pay for my plane ticket, books, and a computer....

Why cant money get disbursed a few weeks BEFORE school starts? That never made any sense to me. Especially since sometimes there are minor/major roadblocks to disbursement that don't present themselves until time of disbursement and so sometimes you have to wait another 2 more weeks until the kinks are worked out. Take my whack graduate school's disbursement for example in which it took me 3 semesters to learn that I have to call them a few weeks before disbursement just to make sure everything is on schedule...and sometimes even still I ran into issues. Hopefully my financial aid woes will not follow me to law school. In a city I have never lived in. And my immediate family is not there. It can be very stressful and time consuming; and I think I will need to save that stress for my law studies. As a matter of fact, after I send my "official" transcripts (since LSDAS transcripts aren't "official" enough *eye roll*) to my school I think I will give financial aid a courtesy call....

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just came across your blog! It really is tough getting set up before you get your loan refund if you don't have a nest egg or parents/family to help you out. Have you tried asking your school if they have a short term loan program? My school offers a $1000 loan that you can pay back when you get your financial aid. It's not too much considering what you have to pay for, but its better than nothing. I wouldn't worry about books--you should have your refund before classes start. Good luck!
