Thursday, August 27, 2009

"It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to."

Hey folks!! I know, it seems I haven't blogged in FOREVER! But, I have just started an adventure in my life that is completely new and foreign and crazy. Plus, I never mentioned blogging in my title...just eat, pray, and study!

Anyhow, it's been a CRAZY few weeks! Moving across country, going through orientation and starting classes has made these few weeks feel like a few months! But hopefully now that I'm settled, time will be kinder to me. I hate looking up at the calendar thinking its September, but its still August.

Now to law were my first few days?? Daunting!! Luckily I met some people who went to my law school when I went to CLEO last month (geez, that was only a month ago?!?), or else I would really be in bad shape. Knowing absolutely no one sucks. First day of orientation, it seemed like everyone else knew each other except for me and a few other dweebs. Not fun. So I get through orientation unscathed, and it's on to the first week...

Ay yi yi!! My first class, LRW (Legal Reading and Writing) started off so scary! The prof got right down to business....she didn't even introduce herself to the class...just "So we are going to start off with a few legal terms you should know...does anyone know what an appellant is?" =-/
I swear they do that on purpose for first classes to weed out the people who would have a major panic attack after the first classes and decide right then that law school isn't for them (I actually know of a girl who said she had second thoughts about law school, but she's still in classes, so I guess she made it through that episode). The next class meeting, LRW prof was so casual, sat on her desk, told the class about herself, had everyone introduce themselves, and talked about the course and other housekeeping stuff. I felt so much more at ease; it's crazy how well she scared us shitless the first day. She made an excuse of how she was rushed that day because of the other LRW class that held its session in the same room after us...yeah right. Game recognize game...(not really, but i just really wanted to say that)

I already know what classes I like and don't like. So far, I like Torts, LRW, and Property. Not too fond of Civ Pro (civil procedure) at all. The prof talks like we should already know legalese and all the Rules already! The RULES...ah, the precious!

I still really don't know what to expect out of the exams...what do the profs want? If the exams are usually hypotheticals, how come profs don't really talk about hypos in class (besides from my torts class which is full of hypos, all class long!)? I guess I should start looking at prof's exams from previous years...

...but there is SO much to do! I feel overwhelmed at times, like I'm just barely keeping my head above water reading for classes. It's like I don't have time for ANYTHING else. I understand now why a month into law school, other bloggers were like, "When the hell do I have time to do outlines??" I get it. I finally get it. But you gotta start law school to really know what you are getting into.

The one thing I wish is that I had some friends (preferably outside the law school) here. I'm the kind of person who needs support from friends, especially when I have to encounter something scary and intimidating, aka law school. I have a few acquaintances in my classes, but that's all they are. Maybe as time goes on, I will develop closer friendships. I hope so, cause I don't know what I'll do without friends. Might have to transfer back to Cali...

So that's all for now, I propose that as soon as I get this crazy schedule down pack, I will be better able to keep up with blogging. For now, peace!

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