Friday, October 2, 2009

Darn it!!

Okay, so I'm in Torts and I answered a pretty good I'm thinking, okay, I'm out the woods of being called on...
Oh but no. I get called on. But its not like I didn't do the reading for class, its just that I totally mixed up and wasnt clear on the facts of a certain case. I got it so wrong, and I am so freaking embarrassed...I guess reading cases and trying your best to understand them isn't good enough.

Most law students say the embarrassment goes away quickly because no one really remembers your flub. Is this true?? I feel like running away and don't anyone in my section dare try to look me in the eyes. Total humiliation. Brutal...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bingo!! (Keep it under wraps though)

Yeah, the concept of "Asshole Bingo" is a funny one (our torts professor put us on to it last class: write the names of the gunners in class on a bingo-like grid and when they make a comment or ask a question, cross their name out. When you've got a row, shout out "Bingo!"), but how about you keep it under wraps though....

I'm sitting right in back of a girl who is crossing off names as I type...but doesn't she realize that two of the most gunniest gunners sit in the two seats on either side of me? Yeah...they can see you. They can see you.

Oh, and P.S., is your name on your sheet? Look in the mirror, you're a gunner too!

I'm not bitter or anything...I think its an awesome game. But perhaps follow some guidelines:
1) Be a little more discreet with the game board...I would think it would be a little hurtful to see your name on asshole bingo
2) Don't make fun of gunners if you are a gunner. That doesn't make sense.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dont know how you all do it...

I really have no idea how these law students can update their blogs almost everyday. I feel like I am surrounded by so many WORDS ALL THE TIME, that I loathe having to write more WORDS. Even if they are my personal words...I'm just not feeling WORDS after Property and Civ Pro... Regular blawgers, my hat goes off to you!

On law school: I've been in law school for almost a month now and I can officially say's aiight!! I'm (finally) actually digging the classes (even Civ Pro now that I have some canned briefs to help me along!). I think they are very interesting, although it amazes me how complex the whole "thinking like a lawyer" thing is (it's like whoa, prof, how the heck did you get there? and WHY?). I know that once I am able to think like a lawyer, I'll be okay...but will I ever get there?? It looks dubious right now. But I suppose it will come.

On life: If I knew I'd be so lonely here, I definitely would have opted for a roommate. I am a very friendly person and have no trouble finding friends. But in law school, this has really tripped me up. I'm like is it because I'm a few years older than many of my 1L classmates? Is it because I'm not super outgoing? Is it because my hair is in a natural hairstyle? What is it? But alas, thank goodness for blawgs, I follow Lipgloss and she is experiencing exactly the same as me. At least I'm not alone in feeling this way. Maybe it is best to stay in your hometown when going to law school...
But its not like I have NO friends. There is a girl in my section who I am cool with and we exchange tidbits of what is going on for student organizations we are (kind of) involved in. We bitch about property and the like together, but...I dont feel like we could be great friends. There's not that...spark! I also have another friend who lives downstairs from me, but after she blew me off twice when I invited her to watch Housewives of Atlanta with me, I'm just not really feeling her either (she said she loves the show and I love the show, so.....??)
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: I met a girl at a bowling night of one of the student organizations and she seems really cool. She is one of the more laid back ones and I like that. I cant be around stressed out people too much. The 2 and 3Ls are more laid back as well, thats probably why I click with them better also; probably could click better if we had some of the same classes together, but oh well. So me and my new friend ventured out on the town this past weekend, and I had a blast. We both bitched about how people were way too uptight and punished themselves for having any fun. I have a feeling she will be a good roll out buddy for when I need a much needed break. But we'll see...don't want to get too excited about the potential friendship and scare the girl away.

So that's that for now...I have a love/hate relationship with words right now, so we'll see when I'll be updating this blog again. Hopefully I will rekindle with my love of words one day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to."

Hey folks!! I know, it seems I haven't blogged in FOREVER! But, I have just started an adventure in my life that is completely new and foreign and crazy. Plus, I never mentioned blogging in my title...just eat, pray, and study!

Anyhow, it's been a CRAZY few weeks! Moving across country, going through orientation and starting classes has made these few weeks feel like a few months! But hopefully now that I'm settled, time will be kinder to me. I hate looking up at the calendar thinking its September, but its still August.

Now to law were my first few days?? Daunting!! Luckily I met some people who went to my law school when I went to CLEO last month (geez, that was only a month ago?!?), or else I would really be in bad shape. Knowing absolutely no one sucks. First day of orientation, it seemed like everyone else knew each other except for me and a few other dweebs. Not fun. So I get through orientation unscathed, and it's on to the first week...

Ay yi yi!! My first class, LRW (Legal Reading and Writing) started off so scary! The prof got right down to business....she didn't even introduce herself to the class...just "So we are going to start off with a few legal terms you should know...does anyone know what an appellant is?" =-/
I swear they do that on purpose for first classes to weed out the people who would have a major panic attack after the first classes and decide right then that law school isn't for them (I actually know of a girl who said she had second thoughts about law school, but she's still in classes, so I guess she made it through that episode). The next class meeting, LRW prof was so casual, sat on her desk, told the class about herself, had everyone introduce themselves, and talked about the course and other housekeeping stuff. I felt so much more at ease; it's crazy how well she scared us shitless the first day. She made an excuse of how she was rushed that day because of the other LRW class that held its session in the same room after us...yeah right. Game recognize game...(not really, but i just really wanted to say that)

I already know what classes I like and don't like. So far, I like Torts, LRW, and Property. Not too fond of Civ Pro (civil procedure) at all. The prof talks like we should already know legalese and all the Rules already! The RULES...ah, the precious!

I still really don't know what to expect out of the exams...what do the profs want? If the exams are usually hypotheticals, how come profs don't really talk about hypos in class (besides from my torts class which is full of hypos, all class long!)? I guess I should start looking at prof's exams from previous years...

...but there is SO much to do! I feel overwhelmed at times, like I'm just barely keeping my head above water reading for classes. It's like I don't have time for ANYTHING else. I understand now why a month into law school, other bloggers were like, "When the hell do I have time to do outlines??" I get it. I finally get it. But you gotta start law school to really know what you are getting into.

The one thing I wish is that I had some friends (preferably outside the law school) here. I'm the kind of person who needs support from friends, especially when I have to encounter something scary and intimidating, aka law school. I have a few acquaintances in my classes, but that's all they are. Maybe as time goes on, I will develop closer friendships. I hope so, cause I don't know what I'll do without friends. Might have to transfer back to Cali...

So that's all for now, I propose that as soon as I get this crazy schedule down pack, I will be better able to keep up with blogging. For now, peace!

Friday, August 7, 2009

mmm, yeah...

Moving is NOT fun. At all. 

But on a better note, I got to visit my grandma on my dad's side who is 85 years old. I don't know when the next time I will be able to see her (hopefully at Christmas), but at that age, time is precious. However, I doubt that will be the last time I see her. The last time I visited her, she was jumping around and acting silly hiding from the camera when I tried to take her picture, and she still cleans and cooks her own meals by herself. Also, her older sister is still alive. She's 90. So, I'm not too concerned about my granny, she's a tough cookie (plus she takes fish oil!) I hope I was lucky enough to inherit those living long genes!

Law school orientation in T minus 4 days!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Can't wait to get up outta here! Only 10 days until I catch my flight to Law School City!

Notice that I have a more positive outlook on law school than I did last week? I'm certain my change in attitude has somewhat to do with the CLEO Attitude Is Essential law seminar I attended this past weekend. CLEO is a non-profit section of the American Bar Association whose mission is to help minority and economically disadvantaged pre-law and law students become successful attorneys.

Not only did the 3-day long program help quell my fears of law school classes by having real professors from Berkley, UNLV, Howard, and others conduct mock law classes using the Socratic method (shout out to Professor Green for making EVERYONE get up and speak during her class!), but I met other friendly 0L students going to my law school.

I'm so relieved that law students aren't all super snooty and oozing competitiveness from their pores like I thought they might. Of course, the school year hasn't started yet, so my thinking might be premature, but I doubt it. They arranged for us to sit at tables where we met students going to law schools in our region and they were all super nice too. I will definitely be keeping in touch with them in case I ever need a refuge from my law school atmosphere. Also good for comparing outlines from different percpectives.

I concede with all my 0L peers about CLEO's advice for law school success. If you want to know some of the advice given, you can look at Mama Milla's and A Lupie Law Student's entries about CLEO because 1) they pretty much cover it and 2) I'm too lazy right now to list it (I still have 16 more days to be lazy, so leave me be!)

When I think about law school, I still get a little queasy. But at least I have "ginger ale" aka CLEO to calm my stomach! Thanks CLEO, keep up the good work. You can definitely count on me to give back to this wonderful program!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I just found out my dad used to date  one of Joe Jackson's mistresses. Very random and a bit disturbing. (No, this is not my dad's ex-girlfriend in the photo, but I googled "Joe Jackson and his mistress" and this is all I could find.)

This lady used my dad and ran up his credit....Her and Joe will make a great couple! 

Back to law school related news, I am getting VERY nervous. At first I was so excited to be changing my scenery and moving across the country, but now....

Is it too late to change my mind? What would I do out here? Live in my parent's house with their thousands of kids (ok, only 3 and 1 other kid who is always over here) and teach the jr high ragamuffins? I don't think so.

I've been wanting to go to law school and become an attorney for a long time. I believe that one of my best talents are my reasoning, analyzing, and problem solving skills. So why not go into a profession that will hone in on my natural abilities? Lawyering seems like a great option for me. 

I think it's less being scared of law school than it is being away from family, friends, and the city that I've lived in for 25 years. This is all I know. Now I'm officially going to be on my own. On the other side of the country. Don't get me wrong, I really like the law school that I will be attending in less than a month (geesh!!) and I believe it will have the best opportunities for my budding law career but maybe I should've applied to more schools a bit closer to home.  

Oh well, there's no looking back now. Okay, I take that back, I actually can look back and stop this whole process, and apply for next year's admission into a closer school.   ( Long Pause.)   Yeah, that's not happening though. I'm ready right now.  I'm not patient. I know I'll get over my moving jitters and be fine.  I hope I'm not the only one who feels like this. I'm about to read some other blawgs to give me some comfort. Blawgs like A (Non) Token Minority who just made Law Review! Congrats! You inspire me!

Friday, July 17, 2009

One Word

  • Yourself: Wonderful
  • Your husband: Non-existent
  • Your hair: Thick
  • Your Mother: Strong
  • Your Father: Distant
  • Your Favorite Item: TV
  • Your dream last night: Spiders
  • Your Favorite Drink: Mojito
  • Your Dream Car: Range
  • Your Dream Home: Beautiful
  • The Room You Are In: Dining
  • Your Ex: Cheater
  • Your fear: Failure
  • Where you Want to be in Ten Years? California
  • Who you hung out with last night: Family
  • What You’re Not: Evil
  • Muffins: Carbs
  • One of Your Wish List Items: Laptop
  • Time: Sparse
  • The Last Thing You Did: Ate
  • What You Are Wearing: Yellow
  • Your favorite weather: Hawaii's
  • Your Favorite Book: Midnight
  • Last thing you ate: Toastada
  • Your Life: Crazy
  • Your mood: Scattered
  • Your Best Friends: Calm
  • What are you thinking about right now: Grass*
  • Your car: Ford
  • What are you doing at the moment: Typing
  • Your summer: Bad
  • Relationship status: Single
  • What is on your TV: Fox
  • What is the weather like: Nice!
  • When is the last time you laughed: Yesterday
stolen from Teasingly Diverse

*not that mom just asked me to water the lawn

Monday, July 13, 2009

Let's have a house party! (I don't know what you come to do...)

Parents are away, and it’s time to play! 


As much as I’m loving those dance moves, it’s not going down because….

  1. I’m too old to be having house parties while my family is out of town. 
  2. It’s a Monday, and who wants to party on a Monday night?

But even more so, #1. I do recall, however, those few times when my parents were out of town. Boy did I have fun. I threw a pretty big house party once and I’ve had about two guys spend the night when my folks were away. I know, I was bad. But….yeah, there’s no but. I was bad. I was in college and just wilin’ out. I don’t regret a thing, I had fun. 

Well, I regret one thing: not cleaning the house as thoroughly as I thought and having my dad find a plastic cup filled with beer left behind the toilet seat in the 2nd bathroom that we barely use. Oh, and also inviting a guy I liked and had went on a few dates with who ended up flirting outside with a cute co-worker. But the point is, I enjoyed being a teenager. Undergrad were the best years of my life, so far. Sadly, I think those years will be the best years of my life, period. 

So I just plan on enjoying my time in a quiet house, by myself. I can think of it like a test run for law school since I am living solo. Tomorrow evening they’ll be back, but I’ll be with my friends being amongst the first to see the new Harry Potter movie…Don’t judge me.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer blues

So...I still need money. I have none, and therefore I cant fully enjoy my last summer before law school. I wanted to go to a piano bar yesterday, but I don't have enough to pay cover charge or order my rediscovered love of apple martinis. The little money I did have had to go to paying the security deposit for my apartment, paying off my undergrad account so my transcripts can get sent to my law school before orientation, and other miscellaneous yet important stuff. I wish I could sit around on the beach drinking coronas like other 0Ls. I wouldn't have enough gas money to even get to the beach, let alone buy a single Corona. This sucks

My regular job is a substitute teacher, and while I am available to work this summer, California is in a "slight" (being sarcastic) budget crisis, so kids who need extra help during the summer are basically assed out. Only certain high schools have summer school...and only students who need summer classes to graduate high school can take classes. While I am bummed that his equals no pay for me over the summer, I am quite concerned about the kids. Why are the children amongst the first to receive the brunt of Cali's mess?? First overcrowding of classrooms, teacher's meager salaries, and now no summer school....Can the children ever come FIRST every once and a while??

I've looked for employment, but cant find any. I applied for unemployment, but it's taking FOREVER to get here! Probably cause they don't have any money to give me. They'll probably issue me an IOU like they're doing for tax returns. What the heck am I supposed to do with an IOU? Go to McDonald's and say, "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." I mean, wtf??

So I'm about to shout out Kel so that I can get a free book to help me prep for law school. See, I cant even afford to freakin buy law prep books (I was only able to score Law School Confidential back in April when I had a little $), so I am reduced to this. Have pity on me Kel!! ;-(

So to any 0L's reading my blog (yeah...that means I'm just talking to myself...), here's where you can find the details to scoring 0L prep books: Giveaway #1

Thanks Kel for your generosity!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good girl gone bad

I'm not going to go into any sort of explanation, but I'll just say I've been a bad, bad girl. I've always been the good girl throughout school and amongst my friends and social circles. Plus, I look 5-8 years younger than I really am, further boosting my angelic persona.

However, in the words of the poster child of "good girl gone bad", Brittany Spears (really Rihanna should've put a pic of Brit on the album cover), "I'm not that innocent."

I proved to be guilty this weekend. And that's all imma say!!

On another note, and more law school related, I'm relieved and excited because I asked my grandparents for help with buying a new laptop for law school this weekend ( it bad that I asked my grandfather for a laptop on father's day? Probably. Oh well...) and they said yes! So I get to go computer shopping this week to present a few options to them. This is a big load off my shoulders as money issues are running rapid (see previous post). Gotta love grandparents!! :-)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Money! I need it!

After a long, long hiatus, I returned back to work today. I'm a substitute teacher, so its not like I was missed, but I need to go back to work because I desperately need cash. I'm moving across the U.S. in a month and I need money! I'm already feeling the crunch since I found an apartment and had to send in my security deposit. And by August 1st, I'm going to need the first month's rent and I am quite sure my financial aid will not disperse into my account by then. Not to mention I need to pay for my plane ticket, books, and a computer....

Why cant money get disbursed a few weeks BEFORE school starts? That never made any sense to me. Especially since sometimes there are minor/major roadblocks to disbursement that don't present themselves until time of disbursement and so sometimes you have to wait another 2 more weeks until the kinks are worked out. Take my whack graduate school's disbursement for example in which it took me 3 semesters to learn that I have to call them a few weeks before disbursement just to make sure everything is on schedule...and sometimes even still I ran into issues. Hopefully my financial aid woes will not follow me to law school. In a city I have never lived in. And my immediate family is not there. It can be very stressful and time consuming; and I think I will need to save that stress for my law studies. As a matter of fact, after I send my "official" transcripts (since LSDAS transcripts aren't "official" enough *eye roll*) to my school I think I will give financial aid a courtesy call....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Decision made, I am ready to go

Oops! I was so into venting in my last post that I forgot to mention that I made my decision on which law school to attend this fall! While I won't specifically name the school, just know that it is in the top 50-100, a very good regional school and is across the country from where I live right now (I am on the west coast). I am 26 years old and have spent 26 years of my life in this same area. Needless to say I am super excited to be able to get out of my bubble and experience new things. And while we're on the subject...

I CANNOT WAIT TO GET OUT OF MY PARENTS HOUSE. Preface: my undergraduate institution was less than a mile from my parents. I lived on campus my 1st and 2nd year, but had to move back home 3rd year for financial reasons. It was hell. My little brother and two little sisters were approximately ages 5, 6, and 8. Throwing fits and running amuck were their favorite pastimes. I couldn't take it anymore so I saved up and looked for an apartment for 4th year, stat. Fast forward to now, I am a graduate student and I had to move back with my parents this past year due to a series of unfortunate events. And even though its a little better since my siblings are 6 years older now, it's still hell. I am ready to go. It seems like the closer I am to getting up out of here, my parents seem to want to push me over the edge so that I am estatic to leave the nest. I don't want to feel that way! I want to cry and be homesick for a little while. But instead I will be celebrating and singing, "Happy days are here again!" That's not cool.

And it's not that I don't appreciate everything they've done for me and I know I couldn't have made it this far without their love and support, but enough is enough. I need room to spread my wings. Which means my loans cannot be you financial crutch anymore. Nor can I babysit at the drop of a hat. I need some much deserved me time. My mom and my dad both had time to go off to college, be on their own and do their own thing. Well I am past due for mine. And that means leaving the state (and the time zone, which is even better!). Maybe I'm just a selfish bitch or maybe its in my DNA--my mom said that I couldn't wait to go to kindergarten and happily waved bye to my mom on the first day of school. While other kids were crying and hanging on to their mommies, my mom ended up crying, not expecting I would be so okay with being on my own.

Whatever the case, I am ready to go.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"You had a better day..."

Today sucked. Nothing went right.I cried twice today and anyone who knows me knows I'm not a cry baby. However, me being the optimist that I am, I am thankful that tomorrow will more than likely not be as bad as today. Here's the list, in order:

1. Have to write a check for my brother's tuition, and pray that it takes the usual 7 days to process because it would zero out my account, thus leaving me with no ends to attend my friend's bachelorette party this weekend that I've been looking forward to for months.

2. Mom's not feeling good today. I have to make her breakfast, get her insulin, do her toenails, and make her lunch. Also, it's my day to cook dinner for the family.

2. Check my account online and find out I have $400 less than I thought. Stupid law school seat deposit cleared!

3. Find out that my brother's school has a new check processing system which should exract funds out my account by TOMORROW. Great.

4.Three minutes late to a market research study 45 minutes away. The $150 was going to help pay for hair and nail prep for this weekend. They say the group already started and turn me away.(At least they gave me $50 for gas) $100 down the drain.

5.Got into an arguement with my mom over #1 and #3.

6. Remember that dinner I made for the family? Guess who didn't any?(greedy bastards...)

7. "Aunt flo" visited tonight

All in all, I'd have to say this was a typical bad day. Not horrible, but pretty crappy. I'm just glad its over.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I used to have a blog, but it's quite old and I haven't blogged on it for 4+ years. I decided it was time for a new, fresh start. So don't ask me to include a link to my old one because I won't. Not like anyone is reading my first post, so I don't know who I was talking to with that last statement...

The main goal of this blog is to get my thoughts out, my frustrations and my concerns. Which I am sure I will have many of this next year as I enter into my first year of law school this fall. I am excited, even though I don't know which school I am going to as of yet, I am in the middle of my "cycle" (no, not that one! Eww!), the process of applying to and hearing back from law schools for the upcoming school year. I have heard back from one school that I am immensely interested in and they are giving me scholarship money! I know--awesome! But there are a couple of schools I might consider before this one if I get in. We will see and I will keep you updated (yeah, that was to my non existent audience, too;-) ).

Hopefully the choice in the title of my blog is more evident now, seeing as how I will be diving head first into the abyss of law studies. While I hope to regain my balance of work and play during my second year of law school, I realize from countless blogs, books, and articles of law student experiences my first year is THEE most crucial year of a student's 3 years. Your grades determine your 1st summer position and placement on law reviews/journals, which determines your 2nd summer position, where you are the most considered for job placement after graduation. I have so many freakin loans from undergrad, graduate, and now law school that I can't not have a well, WELL paying job coming out the gate. That's an impossibility (and that's probably not a word, but whatever). Therefore I MUST be a little unbalanced my first year (which is against my nature as a Libra). However, I endured it studying for the LSAT, so I have faith I can do it again and be successful. So here's to Eat, Pray, and Study (and not in that all...but all quite important) :-)