I really have no idea how these law students can update their blogs almost everyday. I feel like I am surrounded by so many WORDS ALL THE TIME, that I loathe having to write more WORDS. Even if they are my personal words...I'm just not feeling WORDS after Property and Civ Pro... Regular blawgers, my hat goes off to you!
On law school: I've been in law school for almost a month now and I can officially say that...it's aiight!! I'm (finally) actually digging the classes (even Civ Pro now that I have some canned briefs to help me along!). I think they are very interesting, although it amazes me how complex the whole "thinking like a lawyer" thing is (it's like whoa, prof, how the heck did you get there? and WHY?). I know that once I am able to think like a lawyer, I'll be okay...but will I ever get there?? It looks dubious right now. But I suppose it will come.
On life:
If I knew I'd be so lonely here, I definitely would have opted for a roommate. I am a very friendly person and have no trouble finding friends. But in law school, this has really tripped me up. I'm like is it because I'm a few years older than many of my 1L classmates? Is it because I'm not super outgoing? Is it because my hair is in a natural hairstyle? What is it? But alas, thank goodness for blawgs, I follow
Lipgloss and she is experiencing exactly the same as me. At least I'm not alone in feeling this way. Maybe it is best to stay in your hometown when going to law school...
But its not like I have NO friends. There is a girl in my section who I am cool with and we exchange tidbits of what is going on for student organizations we are (kind of) involved in. We bitch about property and the like together, but...I dont feel like we could be great friends. There's not that...spark! I also have another friend who lives downstairs from me, but after she blew me off twice when I invited her to watch Housewives of Atlanta with me, I'm just not really feeling her either (she said she loves the show and I love the show, so.....??)
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: I met a girl at a bowling night of one of the student organizations and she seems really cool. She is one of the more laid back ones and I like that. I cant be around stressed out people too much. The 2 and 3Ls are more laid back as well, thats probably why I click with them better also; probably could click better if we had some of the same classes together, but oh well. So me and my new friend ventured out on the town this past weekend, and I had a blast. We both bitched about how people were way too uptight and punished themselves for having any fun. I have a feeling she will be a good roll out buddy for when I need a much needed break. But we'll see...don't want to get too excited about the potential friendship and scare the girl away.
So that's that for now...I have a love/hate relationship with words right now, so we'll see when I'll be updating this blog again. Hopefully I will rekindle with my love of words one day!