Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"You had a better day..."

Today sucked. Nothing went right.I cried twice today and anyone who knows me knows I'm not a cry baby. However, me being the optimist that I am, I am thankful that tomorrow will more than likely not be as bad as today. Here's the list, in order:

1. Have to write a check for my brother's tuition, and pray that it takes the usual 7 days to process because it would zero out my account, thus leaving me with no ends to attend my friend's bachelorette party this weekend that I've been looking forward to for months.

2. Mom's not feeling good today. I have to make her breakfast, get her insulin, do her toenails, and make her lunch. Also, it's my day to cook dinner for the family.

2. Check my account online and find out I have $400 less than I thought. Stupid law school seat deposit cleared!

3. Find out that my brother's school has a new check processing system which should exract funds out my account by TOMORROW. Great.

4.Three minutes late to a market research study 45 minutes away. The $150 was going to help pay for hair and nail prep for this weekend. They say the group already started and turn me away.(At least they gave me $50 for gas) $100 down the drain.

5.Got into an arguement with my mom over #1 and #3.

6. Remember that dinner I made for the family? Guess who didn't any?(greedy bastards...)

7. "Aunt flo" visited tonight

All in all, I'd have to say this was a typical bad day. Not horrible, but pretty crappy. I'm just glad its over.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I used to have a blog, but it's quite old and I haven't blogged on it for 4+ years. I decided it was time for a new, fresh start. So don't ask me to include a link to my old one because I won't. Not like anyone is reading my first post, so I don't know who I was talking to with that last statement...

The main goal of this blog is to get my thoughts out, my frustrations and my concerns. Which I am sure I will have many of this next year as I enter into my first year of law school this fall. I am excited, even though I don't know which school I am going to as of yet, I am in the middle of my "cycle" (no, not that one! Eww!), the process of applying to and hearing back from law schools for the upcoming school year. I have heard back from one school that I am immensely interested in and they are giving me scholarship money! I know--awesome! But there are a couple of schools I might consider before this one if I get in. We will see and I will keep you updated (yeah, that was to my non existent audience, too;-) ).

Hopefully the choice in the title of my blog is more evident now, seeing as how I will be diving head first into the abyss of law studies. While I hope to regain my balance of work and play during my second year of law school, I realize from countless blogs, books, and articles of law student experiences my first year is THEE most crucial year of a student's 3 years. Your grades determine your 1st summer position and placement on law reviews/journals, which determines your 2nd summer position, where you are the most considered for job placement after graduation. I have so many freakin loans from undergrad, graduate, and now law school that I can't not have a well, WELL paying job coming out the gate. That's an impossibility (and that's probably not a word, but whatever). Therefore I MUST be a little unbalanced my first year (which is against my nature as a Libra). However, I endured it studying for the LSAT, so I have faith I can do it again and be successful. So here's to Eat, Pray, and Study (and not in that order...at all...but all quite important) :-)